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August 24th, 2019 marks the sixth year anniversary of the very talented C. Hutch's heavenly promotion and the Chris Hutch Works lupus organization has decided to host an online Rap Contest in August in his honor! 


 To Compete: 


★    Artists participating must be unsigned!

★    Music must be clean!

★    Music does not have to be original, though original lyrics are welcomed!

★    Song must be at least 2-3 minutes in duration.

★    Sound quality must be good and clear. (Mp3 or video can be uploaded for submission.)

★    Any ages welcome!



Need to know: 


➢    Two semi-finalists will be chosen in August, and will compete in a final event in November.

➢    Monetary prize of $300!

➢    Experienced musicians needed as judges! (Email for interest.)

➢    Final decision will be based off of a live performance!

➢    Out of state participant make own arrangements for travel.

➢    Contests winners will showcase in Los Angeles, California for the run-off at live birthday celebration event.

➢    Prizes will be rewarded at the Los Angeles showcase / birthday event.



CLICK HERE to complete your Applications to compete.

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