New Book by
Fredna Hutchinson!
A mother's riveting account of how the late hip hop artist, C. Hutch, and his dad ironically died from unauthorized Fentanyl and Morphine administrations in two separate branches of the same hospital. You'll never forget the horrendous pain and abuse that her loved ones suffered at the hands of these monstrous, heartless caregivers.

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About: Author Fredna Hutchinson PHD
F. Eleanor Hutchinson is a thirty year secondary educator,with specialties in English and Humanties. Her first published book, which can be purchased on Amazon, is a biographical story of the life and music of her late son, Chris Hutch, who was a gifted musician, and prodigy, Up until his untimely murder, his global recognition was rapidly increasing. The title of the biography, "NOT GONE AND NOT FORGOTTEN, The Life and Music Chris Hutch," tells about his life and musical developments/ accomplishments up until his death, at the age of twenty-seven.